Publisher's Synopsis
Some of the Spiritual ideas Shinn explains in The Game of Life and How To Play It: The Law of Expectancy: Shinn emphasizes the power of the imagination to bring about life events: "Whatever man feels deeply or images clearly, is impressed upon the subconscious mind, and carried out in minutest detail." The power of words: "Jesus Christ taught that man's words played a leading part in the game of life. 'By your words ye are justified and by your words ye are condemned'." The Divine Pattern and Intuition: Shinn says that one must always ask for the "right" circumstance, or the "Divine selection," and not to ask for specifics. The Law of Substitution: According to Florence Scovel Shinn, sometimes our desires are misdirected: "Many people are in ignorance of their true destinies and are striving for things and situations which do not belong to them, and would only bring failure and dissatisfaction if attained."