Publisher's Synopsis
Since the beginning of the time, the "game" between men and women has been played every day in every city and every country, with some finding great success/fulfillment, and others who continue to keep repeating losing strategies. The Game According to Daddy is one of the most captivating and honest books that has been written on relationships. It overflows with applicable and essential insight into a woman's intimate journey through the "game" of relationships. The author's clever use of baseball, as a relationship metaphor, gives the game a whole new meaning. This book will teach you how to go beyond the heart-break, and successfully make it around every base to enjoy the ultimate fulfillment of reaching home plate. It even shows the reader how it is possible, through truthfulness and reflection, to earn a spot in the Relationship Hall of Fame. No other book explains, in such a humorous and captivating way, every facet of the different kinds of relationship that so many women find themselves in. In this journey you will laugh, cry, heal, reflect on triumphs, build on mistakes, and learn how to successfully keep moving forward to find what you seek. This book is truly a great read and definitely worth the price of admission. Play Ball!