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The French Revolution and Historical Materialism

The French Revolution and Historical Materialism Selected Essays - Historical Materialism

Paperback (30 Oct 2018)

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Hardback (20 Jul 2017) $162.42

Publisher's Synopsis

In this stirring and persuasive defense of the classical Marxist view of the French Revolution as a bourgeois and capitalist revolution, Henry Heller lays to rest the stylish revisionism on the subject that still dominates in academic circles. Based mainly on articles published in the journal Historical Materialism, Heller that the rise of a bourgeois capitalist class in France stretches back to the sixteenth century, and that the Revolution itself played a large role in strengthening this nascent class politically and economically.

About the Publisher

Haymarket Books

Book information

ISBN: 9781608469956
Publisher: Haymarket Books
Imprint: Haymarket Books
Pub date:
DEWEY: 944.04072
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 268
Weight: 394g
Height: 153mm
Width: 227mm
Spine width: 18mm