The Flight into Egypt. XII Representations by Painters of the XIV-XVI Centuries, with an Introduction and Notes...[Memorabilia CIII.]
(Waugh.) HILL (G.F.)
Publication details: (printed at the Riccardi Press for) The Medici Society by Philip Lee Warner,1915,
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Inscribed by Evelyn Waugh on the flyleaf: 'Beatrice Waugh, from her affectionate nephew, Evelyn, Christmas 1922'. An early inscription - the author then nineteen years of age, at the end of his first year at Oxford.The recipient was his father's younger sister, one of Waugh's three 'maiden aunts', who - he asserted in 'A Little Learning' - would have 'made good wives'; appropriate to the theme of this festive gift, all three sisters held Bible classes on a Sunday afternoon, 'Aunt Trissie of young men in the library', over whom she had 'greater influence [...] than either vicar or curate'.