Publisher's Synopsis
The indelible image lingers from every cemetery and nostalgic detail consuming the human mind. It is a sumptuous palace swarming with bodies from the past. Cemeteries can be dynamically active or silent, depending on the emotional sensation. Many burial sites have been chosen because they are high-energy environments. Many are located at the intersections of energy currents that lead to the gateway of the afterlife. They are the quietest of parks, and they honor the hopes and dreams of humans no longer among us.
There have been more than 150,000 interments and entombments taken place at the Calvary Cemetery. In 1886, the diocese of Pittsburgh established the Calvary Cemetery Association and the Calvary Cemetery, a 200-acre tract of land in the Hazelwood area of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Though there are graves with earlier dates, the first official burial took place in June 1888 and continues to this day.
As a child growing up in Hazelwood, the author always had a fascination with the histories of those that were buried there. He spoke to many locals as well as the employees at the cemetery and have delved into the historical archives to uncover the stories of those that are interred within the cemetery.
Within this book, Edward Bonner has documented each notable person with their tombstone and history. He encountered interesting facts of the Civil War graves and including the description of the pauper burial sites with photos.
Included in this volume:
- Richard Caliguiri
- Billy Conn
- David L. Lawrence
- Harry A. Stuhldreher
- Harry Greb
- Norman Frauenheim
- Frank Gorshin
- Biddle Brothers
- Bob O'Connor
- Patrick J. Sullivan
- Jimmy "Greenfield" Smith
- Michael J. Muldowney
- Wallace "Bucky Williams
- Matthew "Gene" Lyons
- James "Pud" Galvin
- Mary Lou Williams
- Bishop Vincent Leonard
- Bill Regan
- Julius Joseph "Moose" Solters
- Herb Drury
- Joseph A. McArdle
- John B. "Jack" Butler
- Patricia Dobler
- Rev. James R. Cox
- Gregory Ignatius Zhatkovich
- Enos Kirkpatrick
- James M. Morin
- James Francis Burke
- John Kane
- Gerald Anthony Bucciarelli
- John J. Kane
- Judge Walter R. Little
- Anthony Fagnelli
- William J. Coyne
- István (Stephen) Kerekes
- Local Burials
- Our Babies
- Infant New Section
- Religious Sisters
- Clergy
- The Forgotten
- The Legends, the Heroes
- 76th PA Infantry
- 155th PA Infantry
- Independence Day
- The Pauper Graves
- Light Shining Down
- Random Beauty
- Calvary Cemetery Map
- Biddle Newspaper Article
- Placing Flags for Memorial Day