Publisher's Synopsis
Kennedy and I had been hastily summoned from his laboratory in the city by District-Attorney Mackay, and now stood in the luxurious, ornate library in the country home of Emery Phelps, the banker, at Tarrytown. "Camera!-you know the call when the director is ready to shoot a scene of a picture?-well-at the moment it was given and the first and second camera men began to grind-she crumpled-sank to the floor-unconscious!" Hot and excited, Mackay endeavored to reenact his case for us with all the histrionic ability of a popular prosecutor before a jury. "There's where she dropped-they carried her over here to this davenport-sent for Doctor Blake-but he couldn't do a thing for her. She died-just as you see her. Blake thought the matter so serious, so alarming, that he advised an immediate investigation. That's why I called you so urgently."