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The Fifty Reasons Why It's Great to Be a Man

The Fifty Reasons Why It's Great to Be a Man Plus: The Ten Secrets That No Woman Must EVER Know

Paperback (31 Jan 2015)

  • $15.27
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Publisher's Synopsis

Sure - it's a man's world, but is it really enough just to say it? When you drop your brush in a toilet, who will you be looking to, to fish that brush back out? And who's going to FIX that toilet after you couldn't find someone to fish it out, and tried to flush it instead? Who's going to replace the garbage disposal when, after an hour, you realize that grinding noise was a fork? A man, that's who! So buy him a book. Give him a laugh! And tell him, "Yes, you are MY MAN. Now, go pee standing up!"

Book information

ISBN: 9780979367922
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services LLC - Kdp
Imprint: Robert W. Brady
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 58
Weight: 77g
Height: 216mm
Width: 140mm
Spine width: 4mm