Publisher's Synopsis

The Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World: from Marathon to Waterloo is a book written by Sir Edward Shepherd Creasy and published in 1851. This book tells the story of the fifteen military engagements, which, according to the author, had a significant impact on world history. The selection reflects the worldview of a 19th-century European with a classical education: fourteen of the battles took place in the arc of historically interconnected military theatres which stretched from Persia through the Mediterranean Basin to Europe, and one was fought by European powers and former colonies in North America. Contents: The battle of Marathon -- Defeat of the Athenians at Syracuse, B.C. 413 -- The battle of Arbela, B.C. 331 -- The battle of the Metaurus, B.C. 207 -- Victory of Arminius over the Roman Legions under Varus, A.D. 9 -- The battle of Chalons, A.D. 451 -- The battle of Tours, A.D. 732 -- The battle of Hastings, A.D. 1066 -- Joan of Arc's Victory over the English at Orleans, A.D. 1429 -- The defeat of the Spanish Armada, A.D. 1588 -- The battle of Blenheim, A.D. 1704 -- The battle of Pultowa, A.D. 1709 -- Victory of the Americans over Burgoyne at Saratoga, A.D. 1777 -- The battle of Valmy, A.D. 1792 -- The battle of Waterloo, A.D. 1815.

Book information

ISBN: 9781774414958
Publisher: Brian Westland
Imprint: Binker North
Language: English
Number of pages: 426
Weight: 735g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 24mm