Publisher's Synopsis
Quintus Smyrnaeus was a Greek epic poet, who wrote in the 4th century. It is possible that Quintus used the works of the cyclic poets in writing this manuscript or perhaps he was familiar with Homer. In either case there are discrepancies with either conjecture. The Table of Contents reads as follows. How died for Troy the Queen of the Amazons, Penthesileia, How Memnon, Son of the Dawn, for Troy's sake fell in the Battle, How by the shaft of a God laid low was Hero Achilles, How in the Funeral Games of Achilles heroes contended, How the Arms of Achilles were cause of madness and death unto Aias, How came for the helping of Troy Eurypylus, Hercules' grandson, How the Son of Achilles was brought to the War from the Isle of Scyros, How Hercules' Grandson perished in fight with the Son of Achilles, How from his long lone exile returned to the war Philoctetes, How Paris was stricken to death, and in vain sought help of Oenone, How the sons of Troy for the last time fought from her walls and her towers, How the Wooden Horse was fashioned, and brought into Troy by her people, XIII How Troy in the night was taken and sacked with fire and slaughter, and How the conquerors sailed from Troy unto judgment of tempest and shipwreck.