Publisher's Synopsis
Sunset in the Mists (Volume 1): Evynsford was a nearly forgotten hamlet on the coast of the Irish Sea when the troubles began. When Inspector Arthur Eldermann arrives in the mist-choked community, not a single child under the age of thirteen but older than three remains, and there are no witnesses, no bodies and no clues as to why. The Inspector, a lapsed clergyman of cold demeanor and sneering wit, has his work cut out for him among the surly and insular townsfolk. His one ray of hope lies in Miss Regina Hollferd, governess of the rural schoolhouse. Her zeal and diligence begin to touch something in Inspector Eldermann long left to the dark, and he finds himself enthralled and repelled in equal measure by the soft-spoken yet potent woman. He will need all the help he can get, as things are moving in the mists around Evynsford, and the great wheels of a dark, terrible engine have already been set in motion. Can daring, wit and rekindled faith find the stolen children and perhaps even forestall the shadow looming ever closer?Midnight in the Mists (Volume 2): It has been over a year since Inspector Arthur Eldermann was sent to find the vanished children of Evynsford and the fingertips of some shadowy will were revealed. It could almost be believed that whatever darkness had come to that secluded hamlet had been driven off. Yet the mists endure, an oppressive smothering blanket, and as the pale summer of 1899 spreads up the British Isle, another ill wind blows across Evynsford from the Irish Sea. Wrestling with the black night inside himself and the world around him, the Inspector is called back to the place where his life began its new road. Someone is waiting there for him, and she has been very patient ... but can she and the man she longs to love stand together when darkness comes for them from within and without?Dawn in the Mists (Volume 3): Things seem to be at their tipping point in Evynsford, as the final pieces are revealed in a drama of shadowy intrigue which has played out across the lives of those dwelling within that sequestered hamlet. Rumors of experimentation, subterranean repositories and grand plans to make "better men" circulate around Evynsford, but still so much remains in the shadows. If only a keen investigator could drag things into the light...However, such a man seems to be busy at the moment, with his recent marriage and his time away from the Constable Offices of Preston being spent erecting a new schoolhouse. Inspector Eldermann has never been happier. Yet that which moves in the dark will not be denied and Arthur Eldermann has stood in its way for the last time.Lost in the Mists (Volume 4): The town of Evynsford is once again a sleepy hamlet on the coast of the Irish Sea. However, when a raid turns up information about an assassin for hire who goes by an angelic moniker, Bartholomew Moore knows the time has come. What follows is a vicious game of cat and mouse with neither side knowing which is which as each man's will and faith are tested. Can Bartholomew Moore bring this man-made monster to heel without becoming one himself? And what dark designs does Mr. Woolbury have in store for the sectarian political community of Preston?Found in the Mists (Volume 5): The hunt is on.Sergeant Bartholomew Moore's prey was within his grasp, but the elusive and deadly Aiden Woolbury slipped away after claiming his first target in Preston. With the bark of a rifle and the roar of a flame, Preston finds itself in the midst of a new conflict - the spark that may set off a powder keg of criminality and political unrest which has been growing for decades.And all this commotion causes something else to move in the dark.An old foe stirs from his own machinations and brooding, realizing that the little empire he has carved out for himself may be under threat.The streets of Preston grow gloomy with fog, but only these three men can determine whether the streets will also run red.