Publisher's Synopsis
THE ESSAY CONNECTION is a provocative, timely collection of rhetorically arranged essays by professional and student writers. It stimulates critical thinking on ethical, social, and political issues, enabling students to make connections and write with an informed viewpoint. Essays range from the personal to the scientific and cover a variety of modes--narration, process analysis, comparison and contrast, and persuasion--to prompt students' interest in different disciplines and genres. Professionally written essays (by scientists, economists, and journalists, among others) as well as student essays inspire and motivate students. Unlike excerpts found in other readers, most essays are printed in their entirety, thus serving as better models for student writing. Throughout the text, Bloom offers practical, clear advice on writing that complements the essays. Rich visuals, fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction provide a full set of models to bolster critical thinking, reading, and writing skills. The tenth edition offers 22 new selections to stimulate students' interest. An argument casebook as well as new visuals, poems, and works of creative nonfiction and fiction build on the strengths of previous editions. Material on the Book Companion Website strengthens students' writing and reading comprehension skills.