The Eichmann Tapes

The Eichmann Tapes

Hardback (30 Oct 2015)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Adolf Eichmann was head of Gestapo Division IV-B4, the Third Reich's notorious Security Service, and he was responsible for implementing the "Final Solution" of the European Jews in the Greater German Reich. Though arrested at the end of the war by the U.S. army, Eichmann succeeded in escaping from U.S. custody in 1946 and lived unnoticed in Germany and Austria until 1950, when he travelled to Argentina. While living in Buenos Aires, Eichmann produced a series of tape recordings, and hand written notes, giving a very open and incriminating account of his role in the Final Solution, and Eichmann declares that this is indeed the only testimony that he wishes to be considered as genuine and not dictated under duress. In 1960 the Israeli Intelligence Service Mossad, succeeded in tracing Eichmann to Argentina. They captured him, and on May 21 he was flown to Israel, where he was tried by the Israeli Court in 1961, found guilty and hanged on May 31, 1962. After his courtroom testimony in Israel, in August 1961, Eichmann wrote an additional testimony that he called "False Gods". The English translation of "False Gods", is also published by Black House Publishing, and is a companion to this volume. This book provides an incriminating account of Eichmann's role in the wholesale murder of the Jews in Europe, and establishes the scope of the anti-Jewish measures undertaken in the Third Reich and the gradual development of these measures from emigration to concentration to large-scale murder. The reader of Eichmann's memoirs will thus obtain not only a vivid impression of the extensive police operations of the Third Reich but also a glimpse into the ideological and political motivations of these actions, motivations that were perhaps not fully shared by Eichmann himself.

Book information

ISBN: 9781910881101
Publisher: Black House Publishing
Imprint: Black House Publishing
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 330
Weight: 538g
Height: 146mm
Width: 223mm
Spine width: 20mm