The Earth's Middle and Upper Atmosphere

The Earth's Middle and Upper Atmosphere Proceedings of the Topical Meetings of the Cospar Interdisciplinary Scientificcommission C (Meetings C6, C7, C9, C10 and C11) of the Cospar Twenty-Eighthplenary Meeting Held in the Hague, the Netherlands, 25 June - 6 July 1990 - Advances in Space Research S.

Paperback (30 Jun 1992)

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Publisher's Synopsis

The problems and concerns related to atmospheric global change during the recent years have placed a special emphasis on the understanding of the middle atmosphere region. The section on Mesosphere-Thermosphere Coupling focusses on the neutral structure of the lower thermosphere, from the mesopause level (ca. 85-90km) to about 150km, and those mechanisms and processes originating at lower altitudes which determine the dynamics of the region. The capability to measure the properties of the middle atmosphere region using the latest remote sensing technique is examined in the chapter on Recent Advances in Middle Atmosphere Measurements whilst Electrical Properties in the Middle Atmosphere reflects the importance of both the radar and in situ rocket payload measurements in relation to investigations of the ionized portion of the middle atmosphere.

Book information

ISBN: 9780080420417
Publisher: Pergamon
Imprint: Pergamon
Pub date: