Publisher's Synopsis
In 1886, the Town of Dedham published its first volume of printed records including births, deaths, and marriages (1635-1845). In 1888, they published the second volume, records from several churches, and inscriptions from cemeteries (1638-1845). Volume Three, Book One of the town records and a transcript of the Selectmen's Day Book (1636-1659), was published in 1892. This work, Volume Four of Dedham's records, was published in 1894. It contains a complete transcript of the Town Meeting and Selectmen's Records contained in Book Three of the General Records of the town, 1659-1673. "Manuscript Book Four contains a miscellaneous collection of papers, and records, principally of Land Grants, and so much of that book as relates to the period covered by this volume is here reproduced." The Appendix contains documents dated prior to 1673 that relate to Dedham, found either in the Massachusetts Archives at the State House or in the court files at the court house in Boston. Transcripts have also been made from the printed Massachusetts Colony Records. This section contains a list of deputies to the General Court prior to 1696. "A considerable portion of the records and papers in the Appendix relates to the Indian settlement at Natick, the grant from the Town therefore, and the controversy which grew out of a misunderstanding with regard to the rights granted to the Indians." Facsimile reprints of signatures, an illustration of the official town seal, and separate indices to full-names and subjects augment the text.