Publisher's Synopsis
An Unbeatable The Eagles Biography. This book is your ultimate resource for The Eagles. Here you will find the most up-to-date 34 Success Facts, Information, and much more.
In easy to read chapters, with extensive references and links to get you to know all there is to know about The Eagles's Early life, Career and Personal life right away.
A quick look inside: History of the Eagles, History of the Eagles Tour - Setlist, The Very Best of the Eagles - Original release, The Eagles - On the Border and One of These Nights (1974-75), The Eagles - Discography, The Very Best of the Eagles - Compilation and artwork, Bill Szymczyk - The Eagles (band)Eagles, The Eagles - Long Road Out of Eden (2007-11), The Eagles - Hell Freezes Over and New millennium (1994-2000), Jason Mraz - Tonight, Not Again: Jason Mraz Live at the Eagles Ballroom (2004), The Eagles - Don Felder sues (2001-02), History of the Eagles Tour - Setlist Deviations, Heaven and Hell: My Life in the Eagles (1974-2001), The Eagles - The Long Run and breakup (1979-80), The Eagles - Formation and early releases (1971-73), The Eagles - Hole in the World (2003-06), The Eagles - Members, History of the Eagles Tour - Eagles, The Very Best of the Eagles - Personnel, Glenn Frey - Tenure with the Eagles, History of the Eagles Tour - The show, Heaven and Hell: My Life in the Eagles (1974-2001), The Eagles - Major success with Hotel California (1976-78), The Very Best of the Eagles - 2001 reissue, Eagles (band) - History of the Eagles documentary and 2013 tour, History of the Eagles Tour - Additional musicians, The Eagles - Awards, Chuck Bednarik - Relationship with the Eagles, Don Henley - Tenure with the Eagles, and much more...