Publisher's Synopsis
James E. Dellroy or "Great Ezomo" the venerable head of the Dellroy clan, is getting old. He has raised his family up to become one of the most powerful families in the U.S., certainly the most powerful black family...and the most dangerous. He is a man of tradition like his father and all who came before him and carried on a warrior tradition that goes all the way back to his most revered ancestor...and even further. But some of these traditions are under stress and his descendants begin to worry him. When an obscure African slave dies in a slave revolt, he leaves behind a legacy of defiance, pride, and resistance to his children, over the generations, many defiant Dellroys have met a premature end in America...but none of them ever went down easily. Others survived to continue the line, but many bore scars to prove their defiance and continued warrior spirit. Abiola left three other things behind that would shape the mentality and direction of his descendants. His name, Abiola, a small carving of his god, and a strict order obeyed faithfully by his children and children's children all the way to the present at all cost... "Never allow my bloodline to be tainted by that of the White Man!" The Dellroys' don't even marry other black people if they show any signs of white ancestry. Although the Dellroys' have mixed with Native Americans and even later, Asians, no Dellroy of the main bloodline has ever voluntarily mated with a Caucasian or at least given birth to a child of one if the opposite occurred, not if they wanted to stay a Dellroy...that is about to change. America is now a different place from what it once was and there are those who believe that some practices of the family have long outlived their day...but not everyone agrees, and there are those who may yet prove them right! One of Tawanna's sons is about to cross a line that will challenge old ignorance's, but at the same time set in motion events that will cause upheaval in the Dellroy hierarchy, send war drums sounding throughout the African Diaspora from Harlem to Argentina and set the Dellroys' and their kin on a collision course with one of the most powerful mafia families in the country. Tawanna Dellroy must now earn the name that Ezomo gave her all those years ago...Queen Dellroy!