Publisher's Synopsis
If you liked or hated Dan Brown's "The Da Vinci Code", you will like or hate a hundred times more Walant Froli's "The death of sin and the human nature", mainly the volumes III and IV.This is the 3rd epsisode of "The death of sin and the human nature" which receives the subtitle of "The bars of the cross", preceded by "The rising of the divine" and "Behind purely written lines". All of them related to the various events occurred, after an idea that generated the creation of a Christian institution for researches and religious studies, non-profit and not affiliated to any existing religion. The institution was called "The Christian Intention".The number of followers conquered, attracted by an unprecedented methodology adopted, and put into practice by their creators, Sean Marshal and Trish da Silva, provoked retaliation from several people from nearby Christian temples and churches, where The Christian Intention gathered different communities to hold its weekly meetings. Those were tough retaliations, even putting Sean's own life at risk. Much sacrifice and interventions were required to combat attacks against Sean and the Christian intention, leaving many impressed by Sean´s over human capabilities, unexplained emerged, allowing the institution not only to survive, but to have an incredible success, reaching million of supporters and associates, effectively registered members in their databases.In this new episode of "The Death of sin and the human nature", controversial topics are brought, as the statement that, to man is allowed not only to pray and worship God, but also become a god among many others of a celestial hierarchy under the command of a Greater Being, Unique, Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient. It also brings reports inspired in real existing events, about the transmutation and sublimation of sexual energy, through the transcendental practice of the supra sex, which will certainly be considered heretical by Orthodoxies, blinds, and excessively conservatives followers of the Christian Gospel, for they assume that not only the church´s dogmas, but also principles will be offended in the revelations presented by this story´s main character, never before brought so naturally to the light of fiction readers´ knowledge, that, even inspired by real events, many who have never been interested in stories about occultism and ancient religious stories, will be greatly impressed becoming aware how analogous they are to the discreet and rather summarized format as Christianity is reported in the Canonic Bible. Added to all this, the hard times Sean continues to go through, due to his extra-human power acquired inexplicably, but which provides assistance to many ones when the moment and place are appropriate.The Christian IntentionThe institution has been carrying out its activities for almost twenty years. The name "The Christian Intention", had been given, because based on biblical scriptures researches, its members were able to conclude how difficult it was for a person to become a Christian in full, following all the Christianity´s principles, without sinning and without hurting God´s Laws or any Jesus Christ´s teachings, summing that, as much as anyone wants to be a Christian, the most will get, is just achieving a great intention to turn out into. The institution´s main characteristics, given that it is non-profit, had no links to any existing religious denominations, and for the teachings applied be based on their own studies and researches over sacred scriptures, bothered many other religious congregations, established in locations close to where the Christian Intention holds its meetings. Mainly because, transparency in lectures, attracted many faithful from these other congregations, who quit attending their regular religious services, considerably reducing their tithes collecting. During this period, Christian Intention already had a slight spread ...