Publisher's Synopsis
They thought they'd gotten away with murder... British crime investigator and author, SCCunningham, creates addictive thrillers with a unique, raw, ruthless, funny, sexy, poignant, air-punching 'Yes!'
THE FALLEN ANGEL SERIES (standalone)Gritty redeeming ex-cons work with avenging angels to help track-trace those who slip through law enforcement fingers. Not your normal angels the fallen dislike rules, have s*ex in the skies, destroy the heaven-hell balance, kill more than they save, and upset bosses. At risk of being thrown below ground, they have to ask themselves... are humans worth it? REVIEWS
'What if all we know about good and evil is only the surface of the truth?'
"It has a Warehouse 13, Reaper, Fringe, Torchwood, Heroes, Shadow Hunters, Women of the Otherworld, and Breakout Kings vibe."
'A special team guards us, but they don't look and act like you'd think.'
'There is romance and it's definitely of the sizzling variety with very hot chemistry.'
'It plays like a film. An exciting trip to an originally created world.'
'What if angels are simply enhanced humans who made deals with the higher powers?'
'Easy, faultless, I wanted to jump into the pages and be part of it'
'Fast-paced, witty comments mixed with an almost thinking-out-loud style that moves the reader'
'Wow! Makes a great film. Raw, edgy, completely addictive'
'Will truly be one of those magical books that are a must-read' ABOUT AUTHOR
British-born of Irish roots SCCunningham married rock musician composer Raf Ravenscroft ('Baker Street' sax), is proud mum to artist Scarlett Raven, and has worked within fashion (catwalk), music to film production, sports celebrity management, sports events (football, horseracing, tennis, golf), child charity (Africa), and crime (police crime investigator, wanted & absconder unit, major crime team intel analyst, victim support}. As a respite from the grime of crime she writes children's teaching-tool picture books, and a how-to series. Here supported causes are; Veterans. Child, animal, and planet protection. THE DAVID TRILOGY (Fallen Angel Series crossover backstory)
Slick, twisted, sexual-tour-de-force David Howard is deliciously addictive. But as we follow his journey from sweet trusting choirboy to avenging serial killer, from the stunning Amalfi Coast to London's sordid elite, from a life-term in prison to a life-changing deal, we understand the boy yet fear the man he has become. A cat at the end of nine lives, with a target on his back and nothing to lose, is he brave enough to take the deal? REVIEWS
"It SIZZLES! An erotic, neurotic, sensual vision that's rather stunning."
"Writing doesn't get any better than this."
"Blown away to the point of speechless, shocking, vivid, bloody well written!"
"I raise a glass, I'd love to meet anyone who writes like this."
"The adrenaline running through this had my pulse racing! I was on the edge of my seat throughout."
"An addictive read, one of those you don't realise is creeping up on you until you can't put it down!"
"Great fun. Excellent writing style. Hopefully on TV one day."
"Her characters are sultry and as real as they can get."
"It makes you shiver; it intrigues you, it arouses you, it makes you laugh out loud."
"My God you shocked my shoes off. Excellent work!"
"You're a very brave lady Ms C, I love what you've done: you've somehow given us all the things we want to read about in one."
"A mind-bending instant classic. Be on the lookout for more from this immensely talented rising literary star."
" Would make a great film!"