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The Darkest Side of the Moon

The Darkest Side of the Moon - Dark

Paperback (24 Oct 2022)

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Publisher's Synopsis

You, Nadine Drexel, just want to make it through High School. You don't have your future mapped out. You are just taking it one day at a time. You don't follow the crowd. You go your own path. You know who you are and no one is going to change you. That is until the mysterious new student Vinson Weber bumps into your life. All the girls fawn over him, including your best friend, Camille. You're not charmed by his rude and arrogant manner. You're the only one who notices there is something more than meets the eye. Something is off. Something potentially dangerous. Can you keep your friend from getting caught in the crossfire?

Book information

ISBN: 9798987074602
Publisher: M.E.C. Publishing
Imprint: M.E.C. Publishing
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 332
Weight: 490g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 19mm