The Cyborg Caribbean

The Cyborg Caribbean Techno-Dominance in Twenty-First-Century Cuban, Dominican, and Puerto Rican Science Fiction - Critical Caribbean Studies

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Publisher's Synopsis

The Cyborg Caribbean examines a wide range of twenty-first-century Cuban, Dominican, and Puerto Rican science fiction texts, arguing that authors from Pedro Cabiya, Alexandra Pagan-Velez, and Vagabond Beaumont to Yasmin Silvia Portales, Erick Mota, and Yoss, Haris Durrani, and Rita Indiana Hernandez, among others, negotiate rhetorical legacies of historical techno-colonialism and techno-authoritarianism. The authors span the Hispanic Caribbean and their respective diasporas, reflecting how science fiction as a genre has the ability to manipulate political borders. As both a literary and historical study, the book traces four different technologies-electroconvulsive therapy, nuclear weapons, space exploration, and digital avatars-that have transformed understandings of corporality and humanity in the Caribbean. By recognizing the ways that increased technology may amplify the marginalization of bodies based on race, gender, sexuality, and other factors, the science fiction texts studied in this book challenge oppressive narratives that link technological and sociopolitical progress.

Book information

ISBN: 9781978836228
Publisher: Rutgers University Press
Imprint: Rutgers University Press
Pub date:
DEWEY: 863.08762099729
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 170
Weight: 224g
Height: 153mm
Width: 229mm
Spine width: 17mm