Publisher's Synopsis
The cross is a revelation that mere men can't understand, it is a mystery that it takes one living in the spirit to comprehend, a normal man would see the cross as a symbol and may hardly understand what it signifies. It has a secret, and truths that can make one stand out and be effective in all they do. It reveals principles, lifestyle, and actions one need to make to get a certain result. Christ's death on the cross is very significant and has one accepts him as their personal Lord and savior, they would receive a cross which they have to carry which is light, Christ would take their cross, worries, fear, pain, anxiety and give them his own which is light so they can enjoy this life because his grace is released for its possibility in their life. God displayed his love for mankind through his son by sending him on earth to die for us who came down to earth in human form and went through physical growth like a man to fulfill his purpose (God's purpose) on earth by taking our pain, shame, disgrace, sin suffering which we would have to face due to our sinful nature, he had to be insulted and stoned, looked down upon for what he did not do wrong; he did this for us to have right standing with God and so we don't have to go through this path he went through. We have a role to play having been saved from all the impending danger we once faced, the devil does not want us to enjoy God's blessing through his son because we now have access to God and inherit the inheritances, promises, and blessings he has revealed to his children. We also gain the dominion that was lost in the beginning and move in the might of God in all that we do, we don't act with our mere wisdom or insight but he reveals a greater dimension of him every day to us as we draw closer to him which produces a result that makes a mere man wonder because they have not with God's Son, Jesus Christ. We can move in the power and might of God, enjoying the benefits of Christ's death on the cross but one must be ready to follow him, ready to forsake the life and pleasures of this world which draws one away from God, ready to live for him and not ready to look back at the world or its pleasure which makes one live in denial of God's possibilities in a man's life. God is interested in revealing the truth to us but we must be ready to listen to every of his instruction and desire to do his will, submitting to his leadership and making every effort to stand out for him.