The Countryman

The Countryman Through the Seasons

Paperback (14 Feb 2022)

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Publisher's Synopsis

There is something for everyone in The Countryman. Whether you are a country dweller, an urban nature lover, an amateur historian, or a budding naturalist, the variety of subjects covered is a real treasure trove. From the toad to the bumblebee, the cuckoo to the pheasant, the life cycle of the dragonfly, the attractions of the nightjar and the dove, the development of sheep breeds and the value of the cottager's pig - these are just some of the characters of the natural world as described by Johnny Scott. What are the origins of Oak Apple Day and when and where is it still celebrated? What do you know about Morecambe Bay shrimps or gulls' eggs - how do they make the journey from harvest to plate? What is a hag stone and what is its connection to a horse brass? Do you know what marl is and where would you find it? Answers to these questions and so many others are to be found within these pages. The author's acute powers of observation and fluent style enable him to convey his lifelong experiences and knowledge of the natural world in an informative but accessible way. His understanding of the origins of country customs and celebratory festivals is extensive, and his affection for them and all that the countryside has to offer shines through. Be prepared to be enlightened, amazed or amused - or probably all three!

Book information

ISBN: 9781846893582
Publisher: Quiller Publishing Ltd
Imprint: Quiller Publishing
Pub date:
DEWEY: 508.942
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 232
Weight: 328g
Height: 157mm
Width: 332mm
Spine width: 27mm