Publisher's Synopsis
The Collection, covers the time frame of thirty-five years, one thousand nine hundred and sixty-six to the present. There are poems, verses, fictional and non-fictional stories and an added attraction, songs to sing. "Wildcat Strike" was part of a junior high school assignment. She was given a list of words and told to be creative. "Title Unknown" was written in high school as Audrey Parker was running for class secretary. She lost the election but was commended for her creativity. One summer afternoon during junior high school, Audrey Parker asked her baby brother, "If you could write about anything, what would you write about." He replied, "It would be about Jesus coming back and how no one was ready or believed He was coming." Audrey took the idea and titled it "The Coming." "Thank God It Didn't Happen This Way" was her first short story. It was revised to express how thankful she was for Christ and His salvation. If it seems funny, that is all right. However, keep in mind that it is a story of praise designed to help those who don't know about Jesus Christ to seek Him out and accept His gift of salvation. "Beating the System" was the most recent and difficult story to write. As Audrey started the story, it had no beneficial message. She prayed asking why write something that seems to have no bearing on glorifying the Lord. She was obedient and continued to write. Then as a vision, Part Five of the story says it all. Audrey Parker had no idea that the story was going to turn out the way it did; God gave guidance. "He Isn't Just My Brother" was written in Korea about ten months after the death of her brother. "With Justice For All" was written while assigned to Fort Carson, Colorado, her assignment after Germany. "Pride and Joy" was written while in high school as Audrey Parker became aware of the fact that God does not answer prayers of hate. She was able to forgive herself and she learned that love is very strong. "It can make you do right, do wrong." As you read The Collection, may God impart His mercy, love, grace, and understanding upon you.