Publisher's Synopsis
It's 1955, and Richie is living a rather solitary life in post-war London, but it's all he's ever known. He can see signs that a colourful and exciting new world is emerging from those dark days of wartime.
Until one day tragedy strikes and Richie's life changes beyond anything he could ever have imagined.
London is soon a distant memory, as Richie and his mum reluctantly move north to the Chemist Shop where they are expected to toil under Aunt Beatrice's menacing eye. Richie, overwhelmed by the work he is expected to do, longs for his previous life and is unnerved by the mysterious presence of a boy called Peter.
Is Peter just a figment of Gran's imagination, and will Richie forever remain under Aunt Beatrice's domineering control or will he and his mum escape from the misery of life at… The Chemist?