The Cambridge Legal History of Australia

The Cambridge Legal History of Australia

Hardback (18 Aug 2022)

  • $162.24
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Publisher's Synopsis

Featuring contributions from leading lawyers, historians and social scientists, this path-breaking volume explores encounters of laws, people, and places in Australia since 1788. Its chapters address three major themes: the development of Australian settler law in the shadow of the British Empire; the interaction between settler law and First Nations people; and the possibility of meaningful encounter between First laws and settler legal regimes in Australia. Several chapters explore the limited space provided by Australian settler law for respectful encounters, particularly in light of the High Court's particular concerns about the fragility of Australian sovereignty. Tracing the development of a uniquely Australian law and the various contexts that shaped it, this volume is concerned with the complexity, plurality, and ambiguity of Australia's legal history.

About the Publisher

Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press dates from 1534 and is part of the University of Cambridge. We further the University's mission by disseminating knowledge in the pursuit of education, learning and research at the highest international levels of excellence.

Book information

ISBN: 9781108499224
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Imprint: Cambridge University Press
Pub date:
DEWEY: 349.94
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 750
Weight: 1402g
Height: 237mm
Width: 163mm
Spine width: 47mm