Publisher's Synopsis
What You are holding in your hands Is deadly mental dynamite. Yes. You have just purchased one of the most powerful life-changing and enhancing books. Is the Creator the same as God? Billions will say YES! But they may not be 100% spot on. No other book will change your perception if you don't digest it by reading it. READ THIS Book. You will encounter ideas herein that are stimulating, thought-provoking, candid and spine -tingling. Yet they are true. You will be shown how to separate truth from religious and popular fiction. This book will take out the mystery of God. For God is not the Creator! Finally giving you unique satisfaction from facts you need to make important life decisions. You will be challenged and be excited after all. The problem of why the Creator created the universe still troubles thinking men and women; but if we cannot know why, we can at least know that He did not bring His worlds into being to meet some unfulfilled need in Himself, as a man might build a house to shelter against the winter cold or plant a field of rupoko to provide him with necessary food. The word necessary is wholly foreign to the Creator. He is the Power that is supreme over all, it follows that the Creator cannot be elevated. Nothing is above Him, nothing beyond or below Him. Any motion attributed to His direction or elevation is from us as creatures that are away from Him, in descent. He holds His position out of Himself and by leave of none. As no one can promote Him, so no one can degrade Him. It is clear that He upholds all things by the word of His power. Which is the Law? How can He be raised or supported by the things He upholds? Were all human beings suddenly to become blind, still the sun would shine by day and the stars by night, for the sun and stars owe nothing to the millions who benefit from their light. So, if every human on earth becomes an atheist, it could not affect the Creator in any way. He is what He is in Himself without regard to any other. To believe in Him adds nothing to His perfection; to doubt Him takes nothing away. It is the compound Soul that is on earth for experience Not the Creator! You are a Spirit Dwelling In matter briefly! It's Not the Creator in Actuality! the Creator is Longing for YOUR Worship is that so? Don't be too sure. That's not so. Thousands of years before colonizing and enslaving man-made religions were crafted The Creator now commonly known as God, Jesus, Allah or Jehovah was already worshipped by "Black People" in a way that is completely mocked and laughed at today. This Book sweeps away the religious rubble and will confirm for you the foundations that sustained Afrikan Civilizations for hundreds of thousands of years before any other, The claim largely by Christianity, Judaism and Islam, (Book based religions) to being true or revealed religions, spiritualities or ways of life pales into obliviousness once it is proved that Indigenous people on Earth already Knew the Creator before their advent. Ancient people worshipped and lived traditional lives based on applying the Laws they had received from their Ancestor who received them from the Creator! If You are of African lineage just remember the following observation; You cannot KNOW THIS One and ONLY Original Creator if you are convinced that, Islam is an African Religion, if you believe that Jesus died for your sins or that YHVH is "God's Name". How can this be, Because YOUR True Creator Is Directly Linked To your Ancestors? Your "God" Must Look Like Your Ancestor and eventually like you. This is common sense, Logical and True. Yet we have lost it. Today it will be restored.