The Burqa and the Miniskirt

The Burqa and the Miniskirt The Burqa and High Birth Rates as Indicator of Progress The Miniskirt and Low Fertility as Indicator of Regress The Suicide Terrorists

2nd ed.

Paperback (24 Aug 2022)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Iran and the Muslim countries where the irrational burqa is more popular today than one or two generations ago count more politically and economically than a few years ago. The countries of the West where the miniskirt and more relaxed moral attitudes have been more popular count always less in the world scene. Third world countries with high birth rates have progressed relatively more than Western countries with lower birth rates. Afghanistan, with a population five times larger than after the Second World War and with the burqa always more popular, with women irrationally subjugated according to western standards, has militarily resisted both Russia and America. This is progress to be taken in consideration. Viet Nam won militarly against America, when the growth of the population, during the bombing, was growing at a formidable 3% annually. In the times of Thomas Malthus and Benjamin Franklin, the birth rates and the moral standards of the Puritans were very similar to these developing countries today. Progress, however, has never been synonimous with happiness on this earth. Young people from developing countries dare to attack America and the western countries in their own territories. In the same way England and European countries were expanding their political power to Asia and Africa at the times of Malthus and Franklin. The mentality of the miniskirt s an indicator of the imminent collapse of the western civilization. The irrational mentality of the burqa and of the suicide terrorists, is an indicator of political progress and growth of those peoples.

Book information

ISBN: 9781685368029
Publisher: Westwood Books Publishing
Imprint: Westwood Books Publishing
Pub date:
Edition: 2nd ed.
Language: English
Number of pages: 182
Weight: 249g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 10mm