The Brutish Museums

The Brutish Museums The Benin Bronzes, Colonial Violence and Cultural Restitution

Paperback (20 Oct 2021)

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Publisher's Synopsis

About the Publisher

Pluto Press

Pluto Press is one of the world's leading radical publishers, specialising in progressive, critical perspectives in politics and the social sciences. Based in London, we have been active for over 40 years and independent since 1979. We have more than 800 titles in print by authors such as Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, John Pilger, Susan George, Ziauddin Sardar, Greg Palast, Eduardo Galeano and Vandana Shiva.

Book information

ISBN: 9780745346229
Publisher: Pluto Press
Imprint: Pluto Press
Pub date:
DEWEY: 069.4
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 368
Weight: 450g
Height: 197mm
Width: 130mm
Spine width: 28mm