The Bride of the Blue Wind

The Bride of the Blue Wind

Paperback (12 Oct 2020)

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Publisher's Synopsis

What the gods desire, they take.

When the gods take a person, there is not much one can do about it, even if there seems something strange and terrible about the god. Through the gates of the eastern mountains pass only the gods, the dead, and the heroes of legend. Mere mortals do not go farther than the tombs lining the roads of the Middle Desert.

Except for the daughters of the Bandit Queen of the Oclaresh, that is. The lord of the Blue Wind took their youngest sister. When Pali and Arzu discover that there is something gravely wrong, they decide that the gods work through the hands of men, that justice binds everyone-god, man, djinn, or demon-and that they are not afraid of the road east.

The first book of The Sisters Avramapul.

Book information

ISBN: 9781988908250
Publisher: Underhill Books
Imprint: Underhill Books
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 50
Weight: 72g
Height: 126mm
Width: 202mm
Spine width: 10mm