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The Bourgeois Gentleman

The Bourgeois Gentleman

Paperback (30 May 2023)

  • $18.85
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Publisher's Synopsis

Monsieur Jourdain is a middle class merchant who foolishly believes he can break into the upper echelon of society. Desperate to elevate himself and his station, it seems there is no humiliation too great as he tries to better himself via tutelage from a variety of instructors who are more than happy to relieve him of his money. He also finds himself an easy mark for a penniless nobleman who uses him to fund an extravagant lifestyle. Monsieur Jourdain's long-suffering wife and daughter find themselves caught up in one of his latest schemes, involving a poorly planned affair, several sets of unhappy lovers and a full orchestra and ballet company invading the household. It will fall to the clever servants to find sense in the madness and set things right.

Book information

ISBN: 9780881459838
Publisher: Broadway Play Publishing
Imprint: Broadway Play Publishing
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 160
Weight: 191g
Height: 216mm
Width: 140mm
Spine width: 9mm