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The Book of Negroes

The Book of Negroes African Americans in Exile After the American Revolution

Paperback (02 Nov 2021)

  • $36.79
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Publisher's Synopsis

Since publication of The Black Loyalist Directory in 1996, the primary component, The Book of Negroes, has become one of the most-cited of American Revolutionary primary sources. This new edition salutes The Book of Negroes by using the original title of this famous accounting of Black freedom. On the surface, The Book of Negroes is a laconic, ledger-style enumeration of 3,000 self-emancipated and free Blacks who departed as part of the British evacuation of Loyalists from New York City in the summer and fall of 1783 for Nova Scotia, England, Germany, and other parts of the world. Created under orders from Sir Guy Carleton (Lord Dorchester), Commander-in-Chief of British forces in North America, to placate an angry George Washington, Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army (USA), who regarded the Black Loyalists as fugitive slaves, The Book of Negroes is, as Alan Gilbert has observed, a "roll of honor."

Book information

ISBN: 9780823298808
Publisher: Fordham University Press
Imprint: Fordham University Press
Pub date:
DEWEY: 973.04960730025
DEWEY edition: 23/eng/20230320
Language: English
Number of pages: 334
Weight: 606g
Height: 153mm
Width: 230mm
Spine width: 27mm