Publisher's Synopsis
"The Book of the Dorking" (The Book of Dorking Chickens) was written in 1886 by H.H. Stoddard and is a truly antique text. A short but informative book that delves into the then-known varieties of Dorking Chickens - Silver Gray, White and Colored. Topics covered by Stoddard include As a Table Fowl, As an Incubator and Brooder, The Chick, Exhibiting Dorkings, Mating, and more. Note: THIS BOOK IS A REPRINT, NOT AN ORIGINAL COPY. This public domain edition is a perfect facsimile of the original book and is not set in a modern typeface. As a result, some characters and images might suffer from slight imperfections, blurring, or minor shadows in the page background. This book appears exactly as it did when it was first printed.