The Blue Ridge Project

The Blue Ridge Project

Paperback (09 Jun 2016)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Detective Andrea Nox is investigating a bizarre and violent murder-suicide with far-reaching consequences, both for Beacon City and the people who run it. But all she has to show for her efforts so far are nonsensical clues and dead ends. Then, there's another murder. Journalist Robert Duncan is visiting home after a personal crisis when the unthinkable happens and he unearths long-kept secrets about his family and his place within it. Before long, he is going back over an old story that implicates powerful people in horrible crimes, drawing him deeper into a dangerous and widespread conspiracy. Frank Mortimer, disturbed son of a wealthy and influential family, has no interest in conspiracies. He only wants to take part in an experimental program that promises to make him 'better.' However, with the shadowy and powerful group known only as The Project pulling the strings, what he is getting better at could prove disastrous for everyone else, as a dangerous power is being unlocked inside him...

Book information

ISBN: 9781326698218
Publisher: Lulu Press
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 264
Weight: 318g
Height: 210mm
Width: 148mm
Spine width: 14mm