Publisher's Synopsis
This story takes place sometime in the 1940s, which found the United States embroiled in two separate wars.One war was with Germany in Europe and the surrounding countries and oceans. Germany had essentially taken control of all of Europe.The second war was with Japan. This after Japan had bombed Pearl Harbor, Hawaii in the year of 1941.Germany and Japan had declared war on the United States, and the United States then declared war on both nations, with a mere few days.This story is about the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), who at this time was named the Office of Strategic Services (OSS).The Office of Strategic Services (OSS) was established by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, with the urging from one of his Colleagues from University.As result, the Colleague was named the head of an Administration, which was to later become the OSS, and with the help of the British Intelligence Agency, was able to build the organization with Agents and equipment.These Agents are sent covertly all over the world, to complete their missions on a timely basis. A special Project is created for them, which places them in precarious and lethally-dangerous positions and politics.They find themselves always calculating the odds and morality of humankind to the mission, and manage to find love and romance in the process.During the 1940s, the entire worlds' economies were in turmoil. People were starving and governments felt the only way out of this dilemma was to initiate war.War is vicious and bloody. But one thing it does do that is positive is the stimulation of the economy, no matter which side is fighting.It creates opportunities for small business and Defense contractor to create, design and manufacture military vehicles, ordnance and technologies that will later be used for commercial use.The story of the BlackRock Project brings war into focus. Not on the battleground per se', but how it affects the individuals who are involved and their personal lives.More importantly, it shows how two individuals who work in the military intelligence community, can not only work together to accomplish any mission given to them by a military agency, but can also fall in love with each other and nurture each other's wants, needs and desires.The primary characters in the story are "dyed-in-the-wool", "true-blue" Americans that grew up in Virginia, attended University and found their calling in standing up for freedom for all people in world.As a matter of "happenchance"; they meet each other at their workplace and were irrestibly drawn to each other, first in a lusty way and later; passionately connected.They even go so far as to pledge marriage to one another from time to time. The problem is, work always seems to get in the way.However their work is not only important to themselves as individuals, but in another way.Their work actually keeps them together. Keeps them in love and thoroughly devoted to one another.In fact, they are both living two different lives; one that encompasses their physical and mental skills as secret agents for the CIA (then OSS), and another that is a "drug". The "drug" is actually unrelenting, unconditional and eternal love.When in dangerous and seemingly fatal situations, each will come to the aid of the other, even if it endangers the life of the "liberator". In keeping this unwritten, but clearly spoken "pact" to each other, they are still able to complete all of their missions, even though sometimes things look like "all is lost" and they should really give up and go home.The story is also about the struggle of the Jews in Europe, specifically where the German occupation has occurred, which is nearly two-thirds of Europe during the early 1940s.The primary mission is to assassinate any and all high-ranking individuals of all governments that are in the business of destroying the human race, due to their own individual beliefs.Freedom is not free and a price must be paid.