The Biography of Satan: Exposing the Origins of the Devil

The Biography of Satan: Exposing the Origins of the Devil

5th ed.

Paperback (01 Jul 1999)

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Hardback (19 Jul 1999) - 5th ed. $24.39

Publisher's Synopsis

If the Devil exists, where is he? Is he really in a place called hell? If so, where is that? This well-researched book may shock you by exposing all the basic facts about the devil. Things like:
-- The origins of hell.
-- Where the Christian Devil was borrowed from.
-- Why the church needed a "bad guy" to represent evil.
-- What the words Devil and hell really meant in the Old Testament.
-- "Endless punishment" and its devastating effects.
-- The Devils twin brother -- God!! Was this true?
-- Why God was the author of evil according to the Bible.

These and other startling facts are found in this work. Don't just accept the reality of the Devil blindly. Read this book and decide for yourself if he exists!

Book information

ISBN: 9781885395115
Publisher: Book Tree
Imprint: Book Tree
Pub date:
Edition: 5th ed.
DEWEY: 235.47
Language: English
Number of pages: 168
Weight: 238g
Height: 216mm
Width: 142mm
Spine width: 11mm