Publisher's Synopsis
This is a comprehensive collection of the classics in the study of bilingualism. Designed as a structured student reader, it covers:
- definitions and typology of bilingualism
- language choice and bilingual interaction
- grammar of code-switching and bilingual acquisition
- the bilingual brain and bilingual production and perception
- methodological issues in the study of bilingualism.
Invaluable editorial material guides the student through different sections of the reader. Critical discussion of research methods, graded study questions and activities, a comprehensive glossary and an up-to-date resource list make The Bilingualism Reader an essential introductory text for any course in bilingualism.
Extracts from: Peter Auer, Michael Clyne, Kees De Bot, Charles Ferguson, Joshua Fishman, Fred Genesee, David Green, François Grosjean, John Gumperz, Monica Heller, Li Wei, William Mackey, Jurgen Meisel, Lesley Milroy, Carol Myers-Scotton, Lorraine Obler, Michel Paradis and Shana Poplack.