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The Best of Indonesian Cooking

The Best of Indonesian Cooking

Paperback (28 Apr 2003)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Indonesian cuisine contains a wealth of spices; haunting and heady aromas of chili, lemon grass, nutmeg, ginger and galangal scent the air. The best Indonesian dishes create a balance on the palate: cool cucumber to cool the fire of chili, mild rice to accompany a sour tart curry. An Indonesian meal is shared around a rice table which make it a particularly social event. This selection of 80 Indonesian recipes which have proven popular in the West, including crab soup, stuffed squid, smoked fish in coconut milk, dry spicy beef, Balinese style chicken, Jakarta style sour salad and peanut sauce. - Basic ingredients - Snacks - Soups - Seafood - Poultry - - Meats - Rice and Noodles - Vegetables & Salads - Deserts - * In full colour throughout: 44 pages of mouthwatering colour photos. * All recipes feature their authentic Indonesian names, plus translations into simple English, and simple to follow instructions and readily available ingredients.

Book information

ISBN: 9781901268072
Publisher: Evans Mitchell
Imprint: Evans Mitchell
Pub date:
DEWEY: 641.59598
DEWEY edition: 21
Number of pages: 80
Weight: -1g
Height: 265mm
Width: 190mm