Publisher's Synopsis
Geral John salutes America's lovers with his newest musical creation that is loaded with incredibly alluring stories about love! In this his Ninety-fourth Guitar Songbook he takes us up and away with 20 Pop-Country Music hits including the sensational, "There Are Things That I Want To Say..."
He writes the lyrics first, and then he composes the music. This is opposite to the way that most modern-day lyricists do it, and that's why his songs are so romantically appealing and engaging!
"The Best of Geral John Pinault's Love Songs Book #94 - There Are Things That I Want To Say..." contains 20 fabulous Geral John Love Songs that are arranged for Rhythm Guitar & Voice, with Chords for BOTH left and right-handed guitar players along with the Lyrics! These easy to sing and play songs are designed to help people with Dyslexia and other reading disorders and they will thrill every level of today's modern guitar player! Geral John doesn't set exact tempos but rather he makes it fun to establish your own tempo in each song with guidelines such as: EASY TEMPO! or MODERATELY! or UP-TEMPO BEAT! Geral John writes Pop-Country/Pop-Adult music...
SONG TITLES: There Are Things That I Want To Say... - Hey Girl Don't You Play With My Heart! - Let's Move It On Down The Line! - She Shines Like The Sun! - I've Found Heaven In Her Sweet Embrace! - Let's Turn Our Dreams Into Reality! - She Makes My Motor Run On So! - We've Been Up And Down This Boulevard Of Dreams! - I Could Have Been The Man - Get Up To Get Down Tonight! - Maybe We Can Have A Life Together... - Here And There And Everywhere! - Sunday Morning Looks So Far Away! - She Came On To Me Under False Pretenses! - Didn't He Just Break My Heart? (Female Lead) - I Need Some Time To Think! - Oh, Oh Girl! - When You're Up You're Down! - No Drama, We Need More Karma! - Christ Saved Us When He Was Crucified!
NOTE that he has produced the left-handed chords on the left-sided pages and the right-handed chords on the right-sided pages for each type of acoustic and acoustic-electric guitarist's individual needs!
In it he compels you the singer/guitarist to enable your audience to feel the agony and the ecstasy of living life today here in the twenty-first century with his moving songs! These Pop-Country Songs expound the merits of good love! And these songs will take you and yours up on high with ballads that really do speak to you about lost love! You'll be swept away as he fully engages the listener with each musical experience so that you and your audience can relate to them in terms of your own life experiences! If you or your group want to record any of these songs or use them in live concerts you must register with ASCAP first as the Publisher! The ASCAP Registration #'s are displayed with each song with GJP as Composer/Author!
Geral John has written over 9,000 poems and more than 1,700 songs about life and love and its consequences for each of us across time! has published 69 of his wonderful poetry books to date in his series, "Poems on Life, Love & Their Consequences," in addition to his 94 Guitar Songbooks! His web site is and more than 330,000 people have visited it to date to review and order his books!!