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The Best of Defending the Future

The Best of Defending the Future - Best of Defending the Future

Paperback (03 Oct 2016)

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Publisher's Synopsis

The embers of War still glow as memories of strange skies over an alien landscape, light-years from home, bring back the sensations of battle; a time when personal sacrifice meant the difference between salvation for all, or total destruction.

Gathered here is a cross-section of stories from the first decade of the award-winning Defending The Future series. Written by the known and up-and-coming in the military science fiction genre, these stories represent the fan-requested highlights from the series.

Book information

ISBN: 9781942990383
Publisher: Espec Books
Imprint: Espec Books
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 324
Weight: 484g
Height: 167mm
Width: 328mm
Spine width: 21mm