Publisher's Synopsis
Volume Five in the Human Destiny Series- The Beginning
The Human Governor from Planet Taputo faces the Bandalon Empire, classified as a Supreme Race (the very first Supreme Race and Humans being the newest Supreme Race when they accidentally became Immortal after using microscopic medical robots that removed the "Kill Switch" from the Human anatomy) being an Immortal race with an Immortal army. After discovering the Bandalon Empire were willing to use weapons of mass destruction and possible destroy the star giving life to the Endorea System, Annidal decides to lead the entire Bandalon Empire away from his home world, out of the Andromeda Galaxy and into the Milky Way. Humans take the pair of Flagships (X-Ova and J-Ova) equipped with the Slipknot Drive, capable of bending the fabric of Space/ Time along with the most advanced arsenal of heavy artillery ever assembled by man in hopes to pick away at the Bandalon Empire as they travel to an unknown blue planet. Although they are seriously out matched by the Bandalons and their Emperor Hector is hell bent of the human Governor's utter destruction after he was completely humiliated by Annidal Tarrion on their last encounter, the Humans did not plan on fighting fair Meanwhile back in the Endorea System a single ship was left behind when the entire Bandalon fleet pursued the Governor and his elite team of Endorean Heroes. Newly designated Governor of Taputo Zena Trumdell meets with the leaders of the Twin Sister planets and create a plan for defending their homes against the infamous Juggernaut, the largest warship known to exist. It takes very little time for everyone to understand why Annidal Tarrion would choose Zena to keep guard over the planet Taputo until he returns. Zena just turned ten... but she is a gifted ten-year-old. Speaking of ten-year-olds the Nophen girl Allitanya decides that she is going to become a full time superhero. As questions go unanswered there was a growing suspicion that the Bandalon Empire had somehow infiltrated the Spirit Realm of Hevannah when not one but two people were still alive yet they were also represented in Hevannah and Allitanya, the Catalyst and Superhero in training was going to help the Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael... no matter how much trouble she got herself into. The Beginning is an account of the events that unfolded as the Human Race made their way to Earth, one of the most pristine planets in the entire Milky Way