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The Beckoning Fair One by Oliver Onions, Fiction, Horror

The Beckoning Fair One by Oliver Onions, Fiction, Horror

Paperback (01 Aug 2002)

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Publisher's Synopsis

"As far as the chief business of his life--his writing--was concerned, Paul Oleron treated the world a good deal better than he was treated by it; but he seldom took the trouble to strike a balance, or to compute how far, at forty-four years of age, he was behind his points on the handicap. To have done so wouldn't have altered matters, and it might have depressed Oleron. He had chosen his path, and was committed to it beyond possibility of withdrawal. Perhaps he had chosen it in the days when he had been easily swayed by some thing a little disinterested, a little generous, a little noble and had he ever thought of questioning himself he would still have held to it that a life without nobility and generosity and disinterestedness was no life for him. Only quite recently and rarely, had he even vaguely suspected that there was more in it than this; but it was no good anticipating the day when, he supposed, he would reach that maximum point of his powers beyond which he must inevitably decline, and be left face to face with the question whether it would not have profited him better to have ruled his life by less exigent ideals."

Book information

ISBN: 9781592249169
Publisher: Alan Rodgers Books LLC
Imprint: Borgo Press
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 124
Weight: 200g
Height: 234mm
Width: 154mm
Spine width: 8mm