Publisher's Synopsis
Excerpt from The Backslider
When Robert bought the spot, it was rocky and barren, and seemed to be out of the way of every thing. There was an old house upon it, that hat the reputation of bei haunted, because it looked so desolate, and ad neither windows nor door. Some of Robert's friends advised him to have nothing to do with it, - for, they said, the last owner could not make any thing grow there, and actually starved to death after trying nine or ten years; and Since his death he continued to returh Aoccasionally and throw stones at the windows, which afforded evident pro'of that they had not missed their aim. Robert, however, did not believe in haunt 1, ed houses. He said, that if departed spirits went to heaven, they were too happy to want to come back again; and that if the evil one got hold of the wicked, he would take pretty good care that they should not escape him; and as for a man's having died in the house, he should like to have them tell him, where there was a house that men did not die in. Having thus justified his intention, he went to work to make the house habitable; and in a short time he and his wife, Susan, were comfortably fixed in it. He then began clearing the land from stones, and as fast as he collected a pile, he went to work to make his wall. Susan contributed her part to their prosperity. She could weed the garden and keep it in order, while he was em ployed in heavier work; and in winter, besides he; cares by day, she found long evenings for spinning and weaving.
Robert had always been willing to lend a helping hand to others, and he now reaped the advantage of a kind disposition. Every one was now ready to aid him by half a day's labor, and when he fide a bee, that is, had some job to perform that required numbers, his little hive was thronged.
The purest and the holiest pleasuqes of life are derived from the affections. Mr. And Mrs. Smith had two children, and they were very desirous of bringing them up in the love of God. Jane had just attained her eighth year, when she was seized with the scarlet fever. It were useless to dwell on the anxious cares of the fa ther and the unwearied watchings of the mother; the beloved one was taken from them in all her opening promise. Mother, said she, an hour or two before her death, hold me in your arms till I go to God. It was a sorrowful parting, but both Robert and his wife were Christians. They had long felt the power of religion in ex citing and animating them; this was the first time they had felt its power in consoling them. How often, said Robert, have I read this sentence without pausing to re?ect upon it, Come unto me all ye who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest.' It was neces sary that my heart should be pierced through, before I felt its true meaning. Let us go to the Saviour, and seek through him the rest we so much need, for we are weary and heavy laden.
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