Publisher's Synopsis
The Baby Unicorn's Rise to Heroism is an enchanting tale of a young unicorn's struggle to find its place in the world. Follow the baby unicorn's journey as it learns to stand and fly, overcomes the taunts of other unicorns, and discovers the power of magic.
As the baby unicorn learns from a wise and magical unicorn, it gains new skills and powers that it will need to defend the unicorn village from a terrifying dragon. Along the way, the baby unicorn finds a true friend and learns the importance of perseverance, determination, and the power of friendship. This beautifully illustrated book is perfect for young readers who love magical adventures, animal stories, and tales of heroism. With engaging characters, vivid descriptions, and a heartwarming message, The Baby Unicorn's Rise to Heroism is sure to captivate readers of all ages. Get your copy today and join the baby unicorn on its epic journey to become a hero of the unicorn village.