Publisher's Synopsis
The great answers to death and life, a way to deal with evil and the diseases of our time, such as cancer or fibromyalgia. Learn to materialize what your mind generates and much more, success, spirituality... and all with irrefutable evidences that will leave you speechless, in this book you will know how to awaken the Divinity that is in you.You will find scientific and real evidence of amazing cases of both cures and exploits that seem impossible, shown by simple people who will leave no doubt about the amazing capacity of the human being.You will learn simple practices to overcome trauma, improve your health and well-being, focus your mind to break physical boundaries, and find the transcendental responses of life. You will check everything through your own experience.It is not about learning complicated things, but about unlearning false beliefs that limit you and that society imposes on you, once you prove that you have a Divine part that can work authentic Miracles you will wake up to the true reality of your existence.What do you think of the Author: Félix Torán (Writer, speaker and engineer of European Space Agency, author of more than 120 scientific and technical publications and numerous books.): Eduardo has overcome truly amazing challenges thanks to the power of the mind. He is living proof of what I have always taught: if we control our mind we control our destiny, and no barrier is strong enough to stop our progress. You, reader, have in your hands a wonderful testimony of self-improvement and the power of the mind, told by a person who has experienced it. Let yourself go and enjoy your experiential stories and advice, as well as Eduardo's example and inspiration.DAVID ALONSO (Journalist of Cadena Ser): I must admit that when I've heard about Eduardo and I went into his "exploits" I came to doubt that everything that was said about him was true. In my narrow worldly mind and conditioned by the Superman movies (pure science fiction) there was no real image of someone breaking bricks with a finger, winning a combat of martial arts with blindfolds, enduring the force of 20 people pushing without move and other unlikely feats for the common citizen. It sounded like fireworks, magic tricks that hid a reality hidden behind a smokescreen. However, I decided to venture into the discovery of such a unique character. And I talked with him. I was curious and intrigued. I tried to park my erroneous and unjustified prejudices and approach a "new dimension" for me. Eduardo surprised me. At some point I came to think that he would be an arrogant guy who would show off his milestones as if they were medals hung in a general's uniform, but I was wrong again. I met a simple, leisurely and very focused boy. I was amazed at his tranquility and his vital philosophy. The first time I saw him in person and I was able to chat with him for a longer time, he revealed to me his great secret: the power of the mind. His way of understanding life, his daily work since childhood, his training methods and mental strength turned a shy boy into a prodigy of strength, concentration and conviction. If you set your mind and apply yourself with all your energy, any wall may fall as impossible as it may seem.JESÚS SANCHO (Journalist of La the first moment his presence did not go unnoticed; as they say, it is made of another paste. Almost without realizing it, he began to perform, without immutability and with astonishing ease, how much my co-worker had explained. Seeing him live and live was impressive, but what amazed me most were his attitude and his confidence, how he transformed internally to face the most unrealizable challenges. .Michael Robinson: I do not exaggerate when I rate Eduardo as a unique and extraordinary being