Publisher's Synopsis
"The Assignment" is a fun book #1 in a series of 8 illustrated children's books for the 3rd grade level, or ages 8-10. You'll travel with Anna during the summer between second and third grade and become totally entrenched in this little girl's woe's as she manages to overcome her trials in a myriad of ways. You'll laugh and you'll cry with Anna Renee Riley. And, you just might end up becoming one of her best friends.
A letter from Anna: Welcome to my world! My name is Anna Renee Riley. I'm seven-almost eight-years-old-and I just finished up second grade. It was really hard at times but, I managed to make it through. On our last day of school, I was sitting at my desk and making a list of all the things I wanted to do during summer vacation. Then my worst nightmare happened! Our teacher, Mr. Henderson-this was his first year as a teacher at Praston Elementary-gave us some homework to do. Yes! During our vacation. Can you believe that? He said that we would have a test on it when we enter the third grade. Of course we all protested but, it didn't work. Here's how that went down..."Class, I know that it's been a tough year and you're all ready for summer vacation." Cheers filled the classroom. "Well I don't want to put a damper on your plans but I've decided that I'm going to give you some homework to work on to prepare you for the third grade. Moans and groans replaced the excitement that moments earlier filled the air. "Hold on now. It's not what you think." "Then what is it teach?" Daniel asked. "Yeh, what kind of teacher gives homework during the summer? I'm gonna write about this in my newsletter!" chided Anna as she jumped up from her desk and hopped on top of it crossing her arms in defiance. I guess you'll have to read my book to find out what the assignment is, and, I hope you'll be one of my new friends! It will sure make my summer more fun. Early reviews:Tammy: "Kendyl and I have loved it! We are reading it together, laughing and learning. The book prompted Kendyl to ask me what was her gift. I said let's keep reading and find out. She has a servant's heart. It also prompted Kendyl to think about her friends and classmates and their gifts. What's great is that this age group can relate so well to the author's purpose. It comes shining through clearly. I didn't tell Kendyl the theme of the book...she figured it out on her own which is important for this audience age. Yvonne is an excellent author!" Paola: "I really enjoyed reading this book with my children. It got my children and I thinking about our own God given gifts and how we want to explore them further. We were so into the story that we could feel the emotion coming from the book. We felt Anna's excitement as well as her sorrow at times. It is a great book which I will recommend to anyone! You even made my eyes water a few times. Xavier: My 9-year-old son laughed at the silly things Hiro would do to the girls because I think he relates to the character. I like how Mr. Henderson wants his students to share their God given gifts with the world. Aysel: My 10-year-old daughter was into the book and loved how God was included and prayer was mentioned. She really enjoyed reading Anna's Friends. She liked how it was easy to understand and follow. Angela: "I opened the manuscript and began reading a few pages. I was IMMEDIATELY "sucked" into the story and I can't wait to finish what I need to do right now so I may get back to the book. Enough said? I am...I, I don't have the words. This is a God thing."