Publisher's Synopsis
I write without boundaries. Without walls, pure transparency. So that every single pupil that is dilated reading my literature can see right through me and understand what I once couldn't. There's a code and dialect in the secret of writing, the only way to break it or solve it is by perceiving it as a reality no matter what genre the literature falls under, fact being in reality we can see it. Therefore it is clear to the brain and understood by the eye. Random thoughts is a complete distortion of random conversations I had with myself throughout the years. Questions, statements, metaphors, nouns, pronouns, and a whole bunch of literature junk recycled onto a paper with a pen. The classic way.
I've found myself mentally incarcerated without writing and setting myself free, no matter the measures reached after letting them go. My burdens and my blessings in life (experiences) have left me with nothing but a slight beacon of hope, that one day I'd prevail in helping that one reader smile and actually think, without having to personally be there. This one is dedicated to every single soul that's felt like there was no hope or chance for redemption, to those who thought time was a possession lost and all hope was unfathomable. You are strong and righteous as any other success story ever read and told. May all of these thoughts light your eyes and make you laugh as hard as they made me cry. Every bad ass out there who deserves a shot at life, this one's for you.