Publisher's Synopsis
The Apocalyptic Everlasting Gospel is a book that has brought to light time prophecies of the book of Revelation. Prophecy fits our time, but was given to John in visions by God on the Isle of Patmos, nearly two thousand years ago. John was projected in vision to a point in time that God gives as 'the day of Lord, 'during which the great Tribulation takes place, and to where prophecy is leading as it unfolds. Only the Bible can give us the time line and where it fits in the period; we can understand the book of Revelation better than John could then, because it was written for our time now! The book of Revelation is no longer a mystery, the apocalyptic messages are revealed, and people that want to understand can know, that is, if any one wants to know, how God will end this age. R.N. Baker Dunbar, Kentucky January 2003 In memory of Herbert W. Armstrong