The Anvil of Ice

The Anvil of Ice - The Winter of the World

Paperback (10 Sep 2015)

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Publisher's Synopsis

The chronicles of The Winter of the World echo down the ages in half-remembered myth and song - tales of mysterious powers of the Mastersmiths, of the forging of great weapons, of the subterranean kingdoms of the duergar, of Gods who walked abroad, and of the Powers that struggled endlessly for dominion.

In the Northlands, beleaguered by the ever-encroaching Ice and the marauding Ekwesh, a young cowherd, saved from the raiders by the mysterious Mastersmith, discovers in himself an uncanny power to shape metal - but it is a power that may easily be turned to evil ends, and on a dreadful night he flees his new home, and embarks on the quest to find both his own destiny, and a weapon that will let him stand against the Power of the Ice.

His wanderings will bring him great friends but earn him greater enemies, and eventually they will transform him from lowly cowherd to a mastersmith fit to stand with the greatest of all men.

About the Publisher



Gollancz is the oldest specialist SF & Fantasy publisher in the UK. Founded in 1927 and with a continuous SF publishing programme dating back to 1961, we are home to a galaxy of award-winning and bestselling authors. Through our long-running SF and Fantasy Masterworks programme, and major digital initiative the SF Gateway, we have one of the largest ranges of SF and Fantasy of any publisher in the world. Mission: To publish the very best authors in the fields of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror, to re-present the classics of the genre to a fresh audience and to discover the stars of tomorrow. To boldly go, dare we say it, where no publisher has gone before . . .

Book information

ISBN: 9780575092211
Publisher: Orion
Imprint: Gollancz
Pub date:
DEWEY: 823.92
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 368
Weight: 402g
Height: 132mm
Width: 199mm
Spine width: 37mm