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The Allure of Matter

The Allure of Matter Material Art from China

Hardback (20 Sep 2019)

  • $48.53
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Publisher's Synopsis

From the 1980s, many Chinese artists have experimented with a range of unconventional materials. Their works-in plastic, paper, silk, ash, and tobacco-form a major trend in Chinese art. The Allure of Matter offers the first serious consideration of these ground-breaking material explorations, coining the term Material Art to describe works that place "matter" itself as the primary vehicle of investigation and expression. The book contains four ground-breaking essays, profiles of twenty-five artists, and corresponding color images.

Book information

ISBN: 9780935573602
Publisher: Smart Museum of Art, University of C
Imprint: Smart Museum of Art
Pub date:
DEWEY: 709.5107477311
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 264
Weight: 1984g
Height: 318mm
Width: 250mm
Spine width: 26mm