The Alien Exposed

The Alien Exposed An Acid Test for the Authentic Anabaptist Love of Truth

Paperback (29 Jan 2014)

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Publisher's Synopsis

It is a foregone conclusion that certain groups of Christians, known collectively as Anabaptists, were identified by their piety and unrelenting love of the Truth. As a result of their devotion persecutions ensued, yet they held to the faith as they knew it, convinced of the necessity to walk in humble obedience to the Scriptures. Books have been filled with the stories of men who sacrificed the comforts of life and even the necessities of life in order to obey the Word of God. Families were split apart; livelihoods were lost; homes and farms were left; and almost every comfort of life was traded for cruel persecution, infamy, poverty, and death. Why? Because they were like Moses, "Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season; Esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt: for he had respect unto the recompence of the reward. By faith he forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king: for he endured, as seeing him who is invisible." Heb. 11:25-27 It is love of Truth which compels men toward a great willingness to be conformed to the Scriptures. What they were raised with and taught to believe with all the fringe benefits of their "camp" were happily sacrificed for the joy of knowing they were right with God and obedient to His Word. Do such men of self-abandoning devotion to truth still exist? Many claim the name or heritage of these Anabaptist people; but does the same love of truth still live on in them? We sincerely hope so; and this hope alone has provoked the prayerful writing of these pages.

Book information

ISBN: 9780615954059
Publisher: Living Faith Books
Imprint: Living Faith Books
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 194
Weight: 195g
Height: 203mm
Width: 127mm
Spine width: 10mm